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Actualizado: 25 feb 2023

The history of colors has many gaps to be filled. Rather, the aim of this work is to examine the expression of some of them in a process that involves a physical artistic practice as well as new potential routes of intertwining signifiers. No doubt, there is no transcultural truth to color perception, despite some pseudo esoteric pop psychology would have us believe. The study of colors is essentially a multifaceted field that greatly enriches our knowledge of the past and reminds us that, in all cultures, its function is to beat, classify, hide, announce and connect. ´´Colors´´ includes red, blue, green, yellow, purple and black and white. It is based on the thinking of the French Historian Michel Pastoureau and the Argentinean Art Historian Gabriela Siracusano. I am enthusiastic to discover a variety of possible landscapes through movement. In effect, each of them is associated with bodies of thoughts, particular feelings and specific embodied subjectivities. ´´Colors´´ initiates, rather than closes off, a semantic and multidimensional inquiry into chromatic visual clues.

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